[headline h=”1″]For Sale by Owner[/headline]
As in any market, there exists a number of property owners who have chosen to sell their properties independent of any professional real estate company. They may be motivated to save money by positioning themselves to pay a smaller commission. There may be “paperwork” issues that prevent their property to be listed or they may simply feel they know their property better than anyone and therefore have an upper hand in selling it. A Google search for Puerto Vallarta FSBOs will return hundreds of thousands of hits so the task of reviewing them can be rather daunting. And frustrating when you discover that most sites have no listings at all or are the ones they do are old and outdated or are simply alternative avenues for local companies to hawk their own listings.
[headline h=”3″]Craig’s List[/headline]
Having said that, there are a few sites worthy to check out. On the ever popular Craig’s List are listed many FSBOs. Actually, there are a lot of company listings, too, but they’re easily discernible from real FSBOs. The individual advertising links show more specific information of each listing including photos.
[headline h=”3″]Mano-a-Mano[/headline]
Mano-a-Mano is a local classified advertising service that puts out a printed booklet each Friday. The same information can be found online within which you can find FSBOs. Most announcements are in Spanish so some may find reading them limiting along with the site navigation. The prices quoted are for the most part in Mexican pesos. That said, there are potential gems of purchase options listed from time to time. Unlike Craig’s List, there are no pictures or additional information to click through from each individual ad. But, if you know an area of interest, you may find yet another listing to ponder.
There are four separate links, one for houses, condos and lots, as well as an English Section that has a mix of everything including rentals. Perseverance is in order!