Home Page Info

Jamie Coates Realty Services is a full service independent real estate company providing sales, rentals, property management, construction, renovation, maintenance and administrative services in tropical Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.

Located inside Plaza Romy in the south side of downtown, we share offices with Vallarta Getaways and Superior Tours. Jamie Coates provides real estate purchasing and selling services, either in the traditional approach or, optionally, through his exclusive flat-fee alternative. Saskia Geul and Emma Cobb provide rental and property management services respectively. Through Astrid van Dam’s tour business, we can provide everything from airport pickups to personal drivers or even out of town getaways to Guadalajara and beyond. From this array of office camaraderie, synergy and trust we work well together offering professional real estate representation concerning all properties in the area, provide a large variety of long and short term rental choices as well as offer enhanced vacation and living experiences.

Another component of our services include those of Architect Jean Paul Perez and his crew of skilled tradesmen. Constructing a house on a newly purchased lot, renovating or upgrading an existing premise, handling annual maintenance issues such as waterproofing roofs and walls, no job is too large or small for these professionals.  Jamie and Jean Paul compliment each other well where Jamie liaisons with the client while Jean Paul gets the job done.

Collectively, we specialize on a personalized service approach.  Each of us have extensive time living and working in the Puerto Vallarta area and we each take pride finding solutions to our clients needs.



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